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Tribute to Niccolò Paganini

The Teatro Carlo Felice in Genoa will host the first celebratory event dedicated to Niccolò Paganini in the year of 240th anniversary of the birth of the great Genoese composer, recognized anniversary of national interest by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers. Scheduled for Friday, May 27, 2022 at 8.00 pm the concert of the Band of the Guardia di Finanza directed by Leonardo Laserra Ingrosso, soloist the Genoese violinist Giulio Plotino, among the graduates of the 49th edition of the Paganini Prize 2002, he will perform the Majestic Sentimental Sonata, composed by Paganini in Vienna in 1828.

The event, promoted by the Municipality of Genoa and the Paganini Prize, is part of a large program of activities, in Italy and abroad, which will have its climax in the months of October and November. Participation in the concert, especially for young people and students, will be free of charge subject to availability, upon collection of tickets at the ticket office of the Theatre from today (maximum four per person).

The President of the Paganini Prize, Giovanni Panebianco, declared: «Niccolò Paganini, incomparable virtuoso from Genoa, has always evoked Italian excellence in the world. The one scheduled on May 27 at the Teatro Carlo Felice is a unique and original event, in which we will present Paganini and his influences in an unprecedented way, through a message that combines artistic excellence and popular spirit, looking especially at young people, towards which we feel the duty to spread and promote the culture of classical music and violin in particular».

The Regional Commander of the Guardia di Finanza, General of Division Rosario Massino, declares: The Guardia di Finanza is honored to be at the side of the City of Genoa, the Carlo Felice Theatre and the Premio Paganini in this event of great artistic and cultural importance in which the Band of the Body directed by Maestro Colonel Leonardo Laserra Ingrosso, band of absolute national and international repute, will pay tribute to Paganini and Genoa with a program expressly dedicated. The first performance for band and violin only of the "Majestic sentimental sonata", whose transcription was made for the occasion by the Band itself, is a clear testimony of the commitment and enthusiasm lavished on this initiative».

The Superintendent Claudio Orazi concludes: «The Teatro Carlo Felice is pleased to be able to give its contribution to initiatives aimed at enhancing the musical heritage of the city of Genoa, which, together with the Liguria region, gave birth to illustrious composers and performers, starting from Niccolò Paganini, worthy of the greatest attention».